Archive for October, 2005

Gods and Symbolism

October 31, 2005

There is some symbolism that I can think of in my life. Artwork is symbolism. It’s hard to explain what most of my art means, mostly it’s just how I felt when I was doing that painting or whatever. And the symbolism, on my altar of different color candles, fabric, and stones. I have two candle holders a sun and a moon to symbolize begining and end (or constant change).

Overcoming Obstacles

October 31, 2005

Most obstacles I encounter leave me bitter and cynical. I get so aggravated when I try to deal with them because I think about them way too much. But the experience, I would say, helps prepare me for other obstacles.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

October 31, 2005

So I finally finished Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It was pretty much about this guy who had a crazy neighbor (Holly) that he grew to like. Holly insisted on calling him Fred because that was her brother’s name. And throughout the book, the main character has trouble figuring Holly out. She moves around a lot and keeps everything a secret.

halloween picture

October 31, 2005


The Center of the Earth

October 27, 2005

If I knew nothing about science then I would
think the center of the earth would be a mystical cavern. And really weird, but
nice creatures would live there that didn’t need sun, water or air to survive.
That would be really cool.

Hindu Gods

October 27, 2005

One example of creation, preservation and destruction is
countries. People will come together and create those countries and once they
are done they will try and preserve it. Then another country comes along to
destroy it. Destruction of other countries seems to be of big importance right
now. I think it’s ridiculus. But throughout the world everyone wants to destroy
what another created at times. As children we build things and destroy them and
build new things. I think that it is important to have all aspects. Sometimes
starting new can be good after something is created. But at other times some
things should be preserved.

Other Life In the Universe

October 26, 2005

I believe that there is life on other planets because there is no way that life on earth is the only life out there. Pretty much every star in the sky is like a sun and has planets. Not to mention the other galaxies. There’s just no way that earth contains the only living creatures.

Sri Ramakrishna

October 26, 2005

Sri Ramakrishna said “God has made different religions to
suit different aspirations, times and countries. All doctrines are only so many
paths; but a path is by no means God Himself. Indeed, one can reach God if one
follows any of the paths with whole-hearted devotion. One may eat a cake with
icing either straight or sideways. It will taste sweet either way. … As one can
ascend to the tope of a house by means of a ladder or a bamboo or a staircase
or a rope, so diverse are the ways and means to approach God and every religion
in the world shows one of these ways”

Sri Ramakrishna was trying to explain here that there are
many different religions and none of them are either right nor wrong. And if
you follow one of these paths whole-hearted then you will find god. He wanted
to make clear that it makes no difference how you get there because everyone
who is religious is trying to achieve the same thing. All that matters is that
they get there.

How Embarrassing

October 25, 2005

I hate having to think about embarrassing memories. And, I
refuse to write about them. I’ve spent some time trying to forget how blonde I
really can be, sometimes and I don’t want to remember.

Brahman, The Universal Spirit

October 25, 2005

When I think of any form of god, I think it is easier for me
to think of god as a formless universal spirit that is part of everything. It’s
not hard for me to grasp this idea at all. It’s far harder for me to actually think of each emotion as a different god. If in the Hindu Religion they look
at all of god (the everything) as Brahman, then I guess I could look at the
other gods as like, his body parts. Lol. But, still I would much rather look
at Brahman as one whole.