Archive for March, 2006

Aesop’s Fable Friday

March 31, 2006

The Wolf & The Lamb

A Wolf was drinking at the head of a river when he saw a
Lamb at a small distance downstream. Having decided to eat her, he needed to
cause a quarrel.

"How dare you spoil my water?", he demanded.

"How can I spoil the water, since it goes from you to me, not me to
you?", asked the Lamb.

"Never mind that", said the Wolf, "a year ago you called me
many bad names!"

"A year ago I was not even born yet!", said the trembling Lamb.

"Well’, replied the Wolf, "if it wasn’t you, it was your father.
It’s no use trying to talk me out of my supper"; and he grabbed upon the
helpless Lamb and ate her.

Moral of the story: The tyrant always finds an excuse to injure the

I think that
you can change a tyrant from being angry.

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Hello Kitty Ear Cleaner

March 31, 2006

URL: Cartoony Ear Cleaners

This is just too funny. There is no way I would stick a stupid Hello Kitty ear cleaner anywhere near my ear. For some reason I have a feeling that this is going to turn out like the ear cleaner in "The Rugrats" television show on Nickelodeon. It’s going to increase earwax instead and all the investors will lose their money!!

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Sewing a Skirt

March 30, 2006

sewing_003_1.jpg sewing_004.jpgsewing5.jpg

Kilmowics Animation

March 30, 2006

I saw this in the blog American Leftist. It is an attempt by Tim Klimowicz to "encompass the war in a single animation". The graphic designer’s intention of this animation was educational. Some think it is artistic. I don’t know.

click here to see it!

Strata For One

March 30, 2006

Sassymonkey posted about Food Julia’s Strata for One the other day and I decided this was something I needed to make with Michelle. So yesterday we made it. Of course we did not have a ramekin the right size for one or for two so we used an odd square baking dish and that was fine. We also used french rolls and not french bread which also worked fine. We doubled the recipe and of course we had no white wine or anything white wine like in the house soooo guess what we used – IKEA fruit juice and I think it was just fine. I enjoyed the dish quite a bit. Michelle’s initial reaction was “I don’t know how I feel about it”… let’s get her in here to comment now that a day has passed.

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Pants Purses?

March 29, 2006


Bleak House Movies

March 29, 2006

I was watching Bleak House on PBS every Sunday. I missed a few episodes so my mom got me a movie series. It wasn’t the same one as the PBS series but it was just as good.  I kind of thought that this one had poorer viewing and the actors weren’t as good. The story is still pretty cool though.

Recycled Shoes!

March 28, 2006

 URL: …Until You’ve Walked a Mile in Their Tires

I think that recycled shoes are a cool idea. If there was a way to make them more stylish then maybe I’d wear them. From this article I’m just picturing black ugly sandals that smell like tires on a street.

Aesop’s Fable

March 27, 2006

Once upon a time a Frog came forth from his home in the marshes and
proclaimed to all the world that he was a learned physician, skilled in
drugs and able to cure all diseases.

Among the crowd was a Fox,
who called out, "You, a doctor! Why, how can you set up to heal others
when you cannot even cure your own lame legs and blotched and wrinkled

Moral of the story:  Physician, heal thyself.

I got this story from
Aesop’s Fables Friday. I agree with her that the moral of the story
shouldn’t be heal thyself. Frogs are built that way for a reason and the
fox shouldn’t be so rude and he should realize that every animal is different… and with good reason.


March 26, 2006

One of the really nice things about homeschooling Michelle has been the lack of fundraisers.   We go to Barnes & Noble once a year and buy books during the FLVS promo and our purchases provide a small bit of funding.  Other than that, no fundraising at all.  But look at us now, we’re encouraging you to renew your magazine subscriptions or order a new magazine subscription in support of FLVS! 

We don’t have to do this but because this online program HAS really been helpful to Michelle’s education over the last couple of years we’re willing to ask you to fork out the dough!

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