Watership Down

I read the book Watership Down. It is one of my good friend’s favorites so I was excited to read it. I had seen bits and pieces of the movie in religious education about a year ago but I didn’t know that the book would be so much better.

In the movie they switched around certain parts. Like who finds Erafra and the end scene when the farm girl, Lucy, takes Hazel home in the car. One thing I also didn’t like about the movie is that they made their journey seem a lot shorter than it really was. The movie also did not get into detail about rabbit behavior. The movie did show how the rabbits were tricky but it didn’t give the behind the scene look like the book did.  I think that it was cool that they showed the characteristics of rabbits and how they live well.

Over all the quality of this book was exceptionally high. Some of the
descriptions of the scenery were dragged out too much. It was just too
long for me and it didn’t read as well as I’d have liked it to. I wouldn’t say this book was my all time favorite book because it wasn’t. But I guess I would say it is a must read. The only warning I would give is that the beginning may seem too slow but it gets better at the end.

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