The Celestine Prophecy

One of the last books I read for this year was The Celestine
Prophecy by James Redfield. This book is an adventure book about people being
united and finding spiritual enlightenment. I’ve been describing the spiritual
enlightenment as the "Alex Grey Way"
to my friends so that they will understand that it is about energy.

The book starts off in the states with the main character, John, feeling
restless with life. (The book does not actually say his name but it is John in
the movie.) Then his old friend, Charlene, calls him and tells him about a
manuscript. In this manuscript there are insights. Charlene reveals the first
one to John but in order to find out the others, he goes to Peru.
When he gets there the man he met on the plane is captured and then he meets Wil
who takes him on this journey to learn the 8 insights and find the 9th.

On this journey John meets many people; each at the right time to help him
learn the next insight. And, throughout the whole book the characters rely on
their instinct and do not take coincidences for granted. The journey is
dangerous due to the government not wanting the manuscripts revealed. So, many
people do get captured and some are even killed.

This book was a good book. I loved the idea of all of the insights. I also
liked the adventure part of it. I thought that this book managed a good balance
of the different aspects a book should have. Apparently there are two more
books following this one. I can’t wait to read the next one.

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4 Responses to “The Celestine Prophecy”

  1. Sockmouth Says:

    Great review.
    You ALMOST made me want to read it again. But at least you made me remember how I felt when I read it. Good job.

  2. denise Says:

    I thought she did pretty well with the review too and it made me glad I forced her to read it. But now I have to track down the others (which aren’t on my shelf, are they on your shelf???) so she’ll stop talking about wanting to read them.

  3. Sockmouth Says:

    No. I saw one of them at BAM recently though, I believe.

  4. Denise Says:

    Duh, all bookstores have them for sale. I didn’t want to buy them again since at some point one of us or both of us owned them. S’ok, I got lucky and grabbed it from the library shelf yesterday afternoon. She’s halfway through it…

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