Archive for September, 2006

Reading List – Junior Year

September 15, 2006

This is what I’d like her to get through this year.  Others will, of course, be added.  Some we probably won’t manage.  But we’ll attempt it.

Jane Eyre
One Hundred Years of Solitude (she read some, gave it up, we’ll try again later)
Clockwork Orange
Gone with the Wind
To Kill a Mockingbird
A Town Like Alice
On the Road (currently reading)
Robinson Crusoe
Moby Dick
Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Poetry and short stories (Audre Lorde, Lucille Clifton, others from an African American syllabus a friend sent me)

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Junior Year Belated Update

September 15, 2006

Oops, once I started Fast Times this blog sort of fell by the wayside. It’s not Fast Times’ fault, it’s a really busy schedule’s fault. Michelle is busy.

She’s working two days a week at Burrito Brothers (order some frozen burritos to be shipped to you, tell them Michelle sent you!). She goes to the community college, five days a week. She’s never there more than a few hours a day but that takes a lot out of a girl (and her moms).

Here’s what she is taking:

  • English Composition
  • American History
  • Art Fundamentals
  • Intermediate Algebra

  • She’s still working on that blasted FLVS SAT prep course. She’s in the last module which is full of practice tests and essay writing and she’s grumbling her way through every step of it.

    Once the SAT prep course is finished, she’ll be back here with updates about homeschool and dual enrollment classes on a regular basis. Probably not daily, but often. Particularly to share book reviews. (I’ll get her reading list for the year posted in just a second, so you can follow along.)

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