Reading List – Junior Year

This is what I’d like her to get through this year.  Others will, of course, be added.  Some we probably won’t manage.  But we’ll attempt it.

Jane Eyre
One Hundred Years of Solitude (she read some, gave it up, we’ll try again later)
Clockwork Orange
Gone with the Wind
To Kill a Mockingbird
A Town Like Alice
On the Road (currently reading)
Robinson Crusoe
Moby Dick
Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Poetry and short stories (Audre Lorde, Lucille Clifton, others from an African American syllabus a friend sent me)

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One Response to “Reading List – Junior Year”

  1. sassymonkey Says:

    I’m reading To Kill A Mockingbird in the next week or two (it’s my banned book week book but I might read it before banned book week…). I think I might tackle Jane Eyre sometime during the winter.

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