Archive for the ‘Current Affairs’ Category

Oscar Wilde’s Portia, Written in the Lyceum Thetre

April 24, 2006

I marvel not Bassanio was so bold
To peril all he had upon the lead,
Or that proud Aragon bent low his head
Or that morocco’s fiery heart grew cold;
For in that gorgeous dress of beaten gold
Which is more golden that the golden sun
No woman Veronsese looked upon
Was half so fair as thou whom I behold.
Yet fairer when with wisdom as your shield
The sober-suited lawyer’s gown you donned,
And would not let the laws of Venice yield
Antonio’s heart to that accursed Jew-
O Portia! take my heart; it is thy due:
I think I will not quarrel with the Bond.

Goth Subculture

April 19, 2006

Today I read a good article about goths. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything that actually portrays gothic people for what they really are and not what the bible thumping christians think they are. Goths are very intelligient and in my mind a lot more classy than some subcultures. Most the goths I know are such intellectual people and when I’m trying to carry a conversation with them, I just can’t follow because they have very big vocabulary and after a conversation I always learn something I didn’t know. It was just definently a great article.

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Risks for ‘goth’ Youths

April 17, 2006

In an article from WebMD titled Safety Riskes for ‘Goth’ Youths you hear of a survey done in Scotland that states that most of the youths who catagorise themselves under the ‘gothic’ subculture have admitted to doing bodily harm to themselves.

I don’t really think that this is surprising. But I also don’t think that this is only something seen among ‘gothic’ people. I do however know that most peolple that get into the ‘goth scene’ are into blood and gorish things.

The part about the survey that states how many admitted to trying suicide doesn’t surprise me either. But what does surprise me is that it’s supposibly less common in other subculture identified youths. Honestly I think that the only reason that the rate is half and half with ‘goths’ or whatever is because there are less of them. But if you were to do a survey of all the people that tried to kill themselves I bet that there would be just as many in most subcultures.

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Poem in the Portable Oscar Wilde

April 14, 2006

Today I had to read a poem in "The Portable Oscar Wilde". It was Poem VI on pg. 689. In this poem it describes "a man killing something he loves". The poem basically states that when someone messes something up, which they always do, then it is only right for them to pay. I generally liked this poem. It was sort of "moving".

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LGBT familes, teen advice to parents: Be prepared

April 13, 2006

Today I read badgerbag’s live blog about the COLAGE panel about growing up in LGBT families. I found this quite amusing. I wasn’t too suprised about the differences in each kid and their family. And yeah I could relate to a few of them. Overall, I just found this an interesting read. It’s funny because all these families supposedly "talk".  I can’t remember a time really when I talked to my mom about gay issues. Maybe I’m just lazy. I just don’t feel the need to get into all of it. I mean I have the basic opinion that g&l should be given the same rights but I don’t feel so troubled by this that I have to talk to my mom about it. I dont feel like I have to be a part of some society either. I do my part on my own, just like everything else in my life. lol

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Hello Kitty Ear Cleaner

March 31, 2006

URL: Cartoony Ear Cleaners

This is just too funny. There is no way I would stick a stupid Hello Kitty ear cleaner anywhere near my ear. For some reason I have a feeling that this is going to turn out like the ear cleaner in "The Rugrats" television show on Nickelodeon. It’s going to increase earwax instead and all the investors will lose their money!!

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Kilmowics Animation

March 30, 2006

I saw this in the blog American Leftist. It is an attempt by Tim Klimowicz to "encompass the war in a single animation". The graphic designer’s intention of this animation was educational. Some think it is artistic. I don’t know.

click here to see it!

Melissa Ferrick

March 6, 2006

During this past Friday my moms dragged me to Tampa to see Melissa Ferrick. Everytime she is anywhere near where we live my moms go and see her. She’s one of my favorite artists. This show in Tampa was the best Ferrick show I’ve seen yet. There was so many
people crammed into skippers. Originally she wasn’t going to come
because she has the flu but heard about the crowd and rushed there. That show was the best show I’ve ever seen her play. Usually she has to stop and
think about what songs she’s going to play next or she has a set list. This time she just went up there and played with pretty much no breaks.
I was kind of liking the songs she picked but I really liked
the show.

MOSI Dead Bodies

March 6, 2006

This past Saturday I was in Tampa. My moms decided something cool to go see would be the "dead" Bodies exibit at the Mosi museum. I was kind of nervous to see body parts. Things like that always make my body ache. It’s a reason why I might have never done very well in health class. The more I paid attention the more sick I felt. This exibit was interesting. There were more male bodies than female which was a little weird and a lot of the female bodies had black lungs which indicated that they were smokers. I can’t really describe the exibit. It’s one of those things you’d have to <a href=>see for yourself</a>.

National Pig Day!

March 1, 2006

borris.jpgMy mom informed me that today is National Pig Day! When she said this there was only one pig that came to mind. Borris. Borris is the pet of my friends Erin and Tj. In this picture he was only 6 months old and now he’s around 3. They’ve taught him all sorts of tricks. I never realised how much character a pig really has until I met Borris. Everyone use to scare me with horror stories of how he’d bite me and stuff. But when I finally got the guts to get near him he was actually the one who came to me. He sat down right next to me as I played “Lord of the Rings” video game with Erin. I think Pig Pets can be fun. They are also a lot of hard work though. This piggy lives inside so Erin and Tj’s house is kid proofed. They have blocked off the kitchen with boards at the bottom so that Borris won’t go in. Also when he wakes up making his little pig noises in the morning they have to get up and feed him and let him out. Borris has also had problems with one of his back legs. They took him to a vet to fix it and the vet messed it up even worse. The wood floors that he might slip on when he misses the carpet cause his leg to do this sliding thing and it scares me every time. This pig certainly is awesome. Pot Belly Pigs are hard to take care of but they are well worth it.