Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

The Celestine Prophecy

May 2, 2006

One of the last books I read for this year was The Celestine
Prophecy by James Redfield. This book is an adventure book about people being
united and finding spiritual enlightenment. I’ve been describing the spiritual
enlightenment as the "Alex Grey Way"
to my friends so that they will understand that it is about energy.

The book starts off in the states with the main character, John, feeling
restless with life. (The book does not actually say his name but it is John in
the movie.) Then his old friend, Charlene, calls him and tells him about a
manuscript. In this manuscript there are insights. Charlene reveals the first
one to John but in order to find out the others, he goes to Peru.
When he gets there the man he met on the plane is captured and then he meets Wil
who takes him on this journey to learn the 8 insights and find the 9th.

On this journey John meets many people; each at the right time to help him
learn the next insight. And, throughout the whole book the characters rely on
their instinct and do not take coincidences for granted. The journey is
dangerous due to the government not wanting the manuscripts revealed. So, many
people do get captured and some are even killed.

This book was a good book. I loved the idea of all of the insights. I also
liked the adventure part of it. I thought that this book managed a good balance
of the different aspects a book should have. Apparently there are two more
books following this one. I can’t wait to read the next one.

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National Pancake Day/IHOP

February 28, 2006

Since Lent is coming up, today was the day to indulge. It has also been declared National Pancake Day. At IHOP they serve a free small stack of pancakes so Tarrant, My mom and I decided to go for lunch. I had never been to IHOP before. In fact I’m very anti-IHOP. My sister likes IHOP because she likes pancakes and hates Waffle House. So I’ve always kind of been pro Waffle house to spite her. The food was okay. I like my homemade pancakes better. As I got up out of my booth though to walk out of the door some black stuff fell on me and it was completely disgusting. I have no idea what it was but I’m NOT going back to IHOP again!

Religious Pet Peeve

February 9, 2006

So the other day I found myself in a Christian Church. This is not a normal thing for me. I’m Unitarian and I barely even ever go to my fellowship. While I was there I got interrogated. A lot of what my lifestyle is made up of is not very "Christian" and I felt very shunned by these people. It seriously bothered me. I was completely polite the whole time and people were still being rude. psh

Tanakh: Hebrew Scriptures

January 26, 2006

The name for the collected Hebrew scriptures is Tanakh. This name comes from the Hebrew letters for the three parts of scriptures: Torah which means "teaching", Nevi’im which means "Prophets", and Ketuvim which means "Writings".
Isaiah is found in Nevi’im
Leviticus is found in Torah
Daniel is found in Ketuvim
Proverbs is found in Ketuvim

The Commandments: A Legal Code

January 26, 2006

Here is a list of the 10 Commandments. The bolded ones are the ones that are enforced by laws.

1. You shall have no other gods but me.
2. You shall not make any idols.
3. You shall not take the name of your Lord in vain.
4. You shall remember and keep hol the Sabbath day.
5. Honor your father.
6. You shall not kill.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet our neighbor’s goods.

The Commandments – A moral code

January 23, 2006

I guess I think the 10 Commandments are a good idea. I don’t think that I could follow most of them. I don’t neccasarily agree with these 10 but I do think that 10 things could be thought up fair enough to everyone. Or whatnot.

The Ten plagues of Egypt

January 19, 2006

If this really happend and I was an Egyptian that was effected by the plagues I would be very angry at the Pharaoh. I would work up a riot and convince the Pharaoh to let the Jews go. Either that or I myself would leave Egypt.

Moses and God

January 12, 2006

If someone had told me that they had seen God I don’t think I would believe them. I guess I would have to see exactly what they saw then take time to analyze it. I don’t really believe in the single form of God,  like him being a person. It just doesn’t seem very realistic.

The First Covenant

January 10, 2006

Some say that Abraham is the patriarch of the Jewish people. Abraham was the firs prophet of Judaism. Also according to the Book of Genesis in the Bible, when Abraham was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and made a covenant, or agreement with him. God asked Abraham to do certain things. In return, he promised to take special care of Abraham’s descendants and to give them the landof Israel. I guess that kind of explains why Abraham is the patriarch of Judaism.

The Empty Palace

January 5, 2006

I think that everything that exists has to have a begining. Things just don’t appear. They evolve. It just makes sense to me.