Archive for the ‘Television’ Category

Gilmore Girls Impelled – TW

September 27, 2005

Donuts, coffee, out of pop tarts? Bribing construction folk. I like the dog. Wonder if Lorelei eats in her bedroom like us instead of the table.

How did Lorelei get in charge of tending the TJ issue?

Fourth season on dvd and the compeller is fussing about the fact she doesn’t even have the second. Oh goodness a cell phone itunes. She probably only wants that if it is a Nano phone. Maybe I should just get GG for her birthday.

oooooooooo a coup plot at the DAR. Whats with Rory’s hair this season? bleck.
Nightgowns out? hmmm Italian tempermental espresso machine? Quick thinking there.
Thank goodness, Paris is back so the dumb wedding argument goes away.

I really like this commercial with the Morton salt girl, Charley Tuna, and Mr Clean.

I hate that sappy fake grown up professional voice that Rory uses a lot. Reminds me of those elementary school/preschool teachers/adults talking to children like they are simpleminded people.

Hmmm maybe I should quit writing this and take Paris’ suggestion that Rory Google Rory Gilmore sex boat. How does TJ not know about Rory? I mean really. the bizarre amnesia on this show sucks.

EWWWWWWWWWW KISSING. Can they stop that kissing stuff?

If you get in a fight at a wedding with your betrothed a s’more cake can you roast the marshmallow bride and groom?
Paris pity party! Save me. Let’s not model ourselves after Paris.

More kissing.
More kissing. enough already

Hey, cheese rolling just like on Neopets! Cool.
Dog ipecac, hope there are no anorexic dogs around.
Throw cheese in the eggs for the dog so it tastes better? No he isn’t getting attached to the dog.

Awwwww poor sad Rory.


GG Live Blogging – Michelle

September 27, 2005

Construction is still going on at Lorelai’s house and she’s feeding all of the construction workers donuts and muffins. I can’t believe
they let TJ do the construction!  lol The guys working saw her naked so she’s going to take a shower at Babets. Luke is not happy about it.

Emily is annoyed with the "blueberry" muffins but they were raspberries. Great the DAR crap is still going on. Rory needs ot move on from living with her grandparents! Emily falling down the stairs greattt. No Rory don’t help Emily with this woman that’s trying to get her out of the DAR.

Lol the chick Rory fought with is wearing a million patches and Rory is leading the community service.

Paris and Lorelai are really talking its weird lol. Paris should not be talking about her butt to Lorelai. Lorelai is keeping espressos from Paris to get her out of there! (the inn) Awww poor Paris they shouldn’t make fun of her she’s just a woman who knows what she wants. Wow they’re planning another wedding. Planning weddings always brings out something good! I dont think she’s gonna get married. lolol Michel is scared of Paris! lol like she has a spell book.

lol I love this if we let nurishment skin commercial for dove! The chick’s tattoo is really cool.

lmao You have to be related to a revolutionary war patriot, duh! Rory working for the DAR is weird. Great Rory gossiping is wrong. Constance altoids or pills in her tin? Constance is the lady trying to bring down Emily. if Rory can gossip she sure as hell can be a reporter. Please tell Paris about what Logan’s father said so she can knock some sense into you Rory!

Why is Luke knocking on the door?!? Oh dear why is Lorelai hanging out with the construction workers. That dog is hillarious. Barking for pizza and not salad is hillarius. lol Lorelai cooking is baaddddd. Sending TJ on a mystic hammer run is greatttt. Oh no he shouldn’t go in Rory’s room. Turning it into a smoking room? A weight room? That’s horrible. Rory will be back!

I do not want to see this sisters show "Related". It looks dum! God I hate halloween! These Busch Gardens commercials need to go away!!!!!!!!! Too scary.

Yayeee Lane’s Band is back! Great hair Lane! Lol they’re playing for Christian Teenagers?  Lol I like the rainbow streamers!

That chocolate cake is beautiful! Very Lorelai. MMMM MARSHMALLOWS!!!!!! She’s totally not commited to this right now. PARIS IS HERE! lol Michel is running. Lol the waiters are running too! Rory didn’t tell Lorelai about the DAR? lolol It doesn’t sound like Lorelai is breaking up with Paris.

Wow "In your shoes" is a book too? I want this 4th season of Gilmore Girls we should get the 2nd though.

Wow Rory and old people. I like Logan. Uhoh Logan is at Rory’s pool house. There’s gonna be a girl in his pictures. Cheese Rolling festival? Ahh there is a girl. Collin’s Love? He’s gonna leave her because she’s not going back to school. She misses Yale.

Lane’s Band packing in that van is bad. Lol that van is gonna break down.  LMAO they’re starving and Lane saved them 9,000 dollars and they thought they were broke! Lane wants to make another Nirvana Bleach.

Super Natural is wrong. But at least Dean is gone!

Luke better let that dog stay at his house. He’s gonna let her, she has good manipulation skills. lol Oh no TJ found out that he’s not really the contractor. lol Poor TJ good heart, bad head. lol TJ like Jesus a craftsman. Oh no the dog better not be dead! He got into all of Lukes food and stuff. lol The dog ate chocolate and Luke is panicking. Poor Paul Anka, he just wanted some chocolate.

Rory at Yale but not being included there is sad.

Luke has a tattoo?!?!?! Awww Luke is cute. He’s gonna feed the dog eggs. Oh great she told him about the whole setting the date thing.

Rory is gonna go back!!!! She misses it. She hates the DAR.

Yayee they’re gonna make up at the baptism for Sukie’s kids.


Live Blogging – Gilmore Girls – Denise

September 27, 2005

Opening scene, the dog’s not shy – how did that happen?  I thought all of that food was for Paul Anka, wooo.  Ewww shredded wheat.  Man TJ annoys me.  He needs to go, somewhere, anywhere.  Rope sounds good.  Basement, they have a basement? Oh good they don’t, I thought they remodeled over the summer.  What’s scarey is I have worked with people who wander around telling you how to do the job and they know absolutely nothing about the job.  No, don’t stop him – let him play with the circular saw!  Please!  Mmmmm, coffeee! hahaha someone saw her naked, lol.  HAHAHA they all saw her naked.  Lucky boys?!  No wonder they like having TJ around, he maneuvers things so they can see Lorelai naked!

I’m so lucky, if I had a mom like Emily… we should pay Constance to successfully push her down the stairs next time.  I’ll toss some money in for it. 

Hmmmm why is Rory getting along so well with all of these criminal folks?   hahaha, a billion grams of nicotine.  That’s a lot of patches, someone should have handed her a cigarette to go with them – that would have been interesting oh and some gum, too. I liked it better when Rory was having to deal with the criminal element who had their fight faces on.

I love Paris.  Really love Paris.  Why is she just now thinking about what to wear to bed with Doyle?  Hasn’t she been sleeping with him for awhile now?  Oh yea, they moved in together.  I give it two weeks and she’ll be sleeping in her old pajamas just like she did when she shared a room with Rory. Remember that yukky bathrobe, I never understood why a rich girl was wearing that.

Ah the ultimate insult – she called me Canadian!  Poor Michel!  Uh oh, eyes are bugging out on Lorelai… the bolt instinct is kicking in… now that line was bad, very few women can commit to a purse but a lot can commit to a man.  Dumb line.  Not even funny.  Too bad.

OK  Rory in the DAR is really bad.  I don’t like it.  How long can she stand this?  OK this is really wrong, she put a woman on hold in order to share gossip?  In the work place?  Not good.  Who knew that behind such a sweet face lurked … THAT?  Rory has fallen so very low.

"Google – Rory Gilmore Sex Boat hahaha, wonder what happens if you really do google that?  Who is going to try and find out?  BTK’d?  What does that mean?

Uh oh.  Is Luke jealous?  That dog was meant for Lorelai, he barks for pizza but not salad.  Oh brother, TJ is back after a trip across the country to buy a Mystic hammer… wonder if he got some Mystic Pizza during the trip?  Good grief, the dude wants to turn Rory’s room into a pork smoker room?  KILL HIM LORELAI!  Jewish joke, which is amusing in a politically non-correct sort of way which is maybe the only thing good about TJ – he can get away with that sort of thing because he’s so DUMB.

Yea! Lane! and that dumb boyfriend.  I think she should date the geeky guy instead, he’s got more personality than whatever singer boys name is and ewww with the beard.  A shout out to Pastor Tim. hahaha!  Hey look at the rainbow fringey stuff! It matches Lane’s cute rainbow striped hair. 

OK I think the wedding cake is ugly.  Marshmallows? S’mores?  YUK.  Good thing I don’t do marriage – and no Michelle if you get married you cannot have a S’more wedding cake.  Lorelai can bolt on men but I do not believe she can bolt on a kid, even if the kid is Paris. Anyone want to bet?  Uh oh, Lorelai didn’t know about the DAR… uh oh.  See, told you so – can’t bolt on a kid, neither can I.

Hmmmm how is Gramma gonna like Logan spending the night at the pool house?  That is the pool house, right?   Cheese rolling, just Logan’s speed.  Darn, gramma didn’t walk in.  If it had been Lorelai in bed with a dude, you can bet Emily would have walked in.  Rory gets all the breaks.  By the time classes start, duh Rory, that’s what Logan is not saying. Ha, this is sooo not going to work.  Rory will hate it when everyone talks about Yale and she’s not there.  (Not that I think she really isn’t going back to school or anything). 

Gil and his gas pump thoughts, that’s pretty deep.  Watching the numbers roll is like watching the numbers of all of the people in the world who are dying.  That pretty much sums things up doesn’t it…and the price of gas just keeps going up and the numbers just keep going up.   Uh oh.  Gil is gonna crash, isn’t he?  I’m worried, they aren’t wearing their seatbelts.  Good, no crashing.  Lane is bad.  She told them they had no money so they haven’t been eating (Gil hasn’t been using shampoo, I bet Sebastian Bach had a hard time saying that line) and now she tells them they have more than $9000.  They aren’t happy with her, even if they can make their own "Bleach".

Luke isn’t really going to offer to watch Paul Anka for Lorelai is he?  He is, but after he made her babble.  Uh oh, TJ has figured out he’s not really the contractor on the job. It’s not going well.  Bye Bye TJ.  Thank goodness.  But now poor Luke has to listen to TJ whine and cry over milkshakes at the diner.  Funny, Luke is pretty good at pointing out good points in TJ.  He’s a craftsman – like Jesus.  Please, that is a visual I didn’t need.  Oh well at least it got TJ out of the diner and left him free to go up and take care of Paul Anka who has made a huge mess of Luke’s apartment.  He ate chocolate.  A lot of it.  Which is dangerous.  Is the dog going to die and it will be Luke’s fault instead of Lorelai’s?   

Rory rambling about community service is not all that sexy to Logan, she should quit that.  Maybe he’s going to dump her today.  He’s looking at his watch.  He’s got an appointment with his advisor.  While Rory stays there and thinks about the trials and tribulations involved in working at soup kitchens.  Not pretty. 

OK last scene, we’re about to find out why Lorelai isn’t going to set the date… but first we have to talk about Paul Anka and the vomiting of chocolate and doggy ills that took all night long to deal with.  Geez Lorelai, what a way to spill the news.  After the man stayed up all night dealing with a dog he hates, just for you.  And he’s about to make the beast scrambled eggs?  The woman is self centered.  And now we see Rory at Yale, feeling all left out and then she’s at the DAR looking like a fish out of water – a really miserable fish out of water.  How much longer can this madness last?

Next week they have to renounce satan????  Goodness.  Religion in Stars Hollow is tough.


Live Blogging Experiment….

September 27, 2005

We three Gilmore Girls fans are going to attempt to LIVE BLOG the activities of the Stars Hollow crowd tonight.  If you are clicking in from somewhere other than the east coast of the US and don’t want to have the episode spoiled for you, then don’t click into the Live Blogging Posts tonight!

This should be fun, shouldn’t it???
