Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Oscar Wilde’s Requiescat

April 18, 2006

Tread Lightly, she is near
    Under the snow,
Speak gently, she can hear
    The daisies grow.

All her bright golden hair
    Tarnishe with rust,
She that was young and fair
    Fallen to dust.

Lily-like, white as snow,
    She hardly knew
She was a woman, so
    Sweetly she grew.

Coffin-board, heavy stone,
    Lie on her breast,
I vex my heart alone
    She is at rest.

Peace, peace, she cannot hear
    Lyre or sonnet,
All my life’s buried here,
    Heap earth upon it.

I really like this poem. It is about a woman being dead and buried. The author misses her. *shrugs* I just like this one.

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biblical phrases

December 1, 2005

1.  a drop in the bucket – this could mean something along the lines of a small amount of plentiful commodity
2. at their wits’ end – This could mean to not be able to handle anything more.
3. a man after my own heart – ?????
4. give up the ghost – to die to cease
5. as old as the hills – This means very very old


November 5, 2005

Just because Michelle likes surrealism….

halloween picture

October 31, 2005


Other Life In the Universe

October 26, 2005

I believe that there is life on other planets because there is no way that life on earth is the only life out there. Pretty much every star in the sky is like a sun and has planets. Not to mention the other galaxies. There’s just no way that earth contains the only living creatures.